Docs : SDK : purchaseSubscription
purchaseSubscription redirects your users to a Stripe Checkout form, a Stripe-hosted payment page designed to reduce friction accepting payment from your users. To call this function, you must first do the following:
Include the Stripe.js client in your web app.
Connect a Stripe account to your Userbase admin account in your Admin panel.
Create a product with a recurring price in your Stripe dashboard.
Take note of the price ID in the Stripe dashboard (it starts with 'price_').
And you're good to go!
sucessUrl [string] - The URL the user will be redirected to upon successful payment.
cancelUrl [string] - The URL the user will be redirected to upon canceling payment.
priceId [string] - The price ID the user will purchase. You can find this ID in your Stripe dashboard after creating a product with a recurring price.
You can offer a free trial via your Admin panel. Users who sign up for an app with a free trial set will start out in trial mode. Users have full capabilities until the trial expires.
To accept payments in production, you will need to purchase the Prod plan.
Upon successful payment, the user's subscriptionStatus will be set to 'active'. This allows the user to successfully call openDatabase on an app that requires payment.
The user's credit card will be charged automatically at the start of every billing period. For example, if the user purchases a yearly subscription on May 4th, then the user will be charged on May 4th every year until they cancel.
You can customize your Stripe Checkout form in your Stripe dashboard.
- You can allow promo codes at checkout. To enable promo codes:
- Add a coupon to your Stripe account under Products > Coupons
- Then add a promotion code for that coupon
- Finally, visit your app's Payments Portal in your Admin panel, click "Show Advanced", and enable the option to "Allow promotion codes in Checkout"
- You can support calculating tax at checkout. To enable automatic tax:
- You need to activate tax collection under Settings > Tax Settings
- Set an origin address via the same link and configure tax settings
- Then you need to set tax behavior on a product
- Finally, visit your app's Payments Portal in your Admin panel, click "Show Advanced", and enable the option to "Collect taxes in Checkout"
- ParamsMustBeObject
- SuccessUrlMissing
- SuccessUrlMustBeString
- SuccessUrlInvalid
- CancelUrlMissing
- CancelUrlMustBeString
- CancelUrlInvalid
- StripeError
- StripeJsLibraryMissing
- SubscriptionPlanNotSet
- SubscriptionPlanAlreadyPurchased
- StripeAccountNotConnected
- PaymentsDisabled
- UserNotSignedIn
- TooManyRequests
- ServiceUnavailable