Docs : SDK : openDatabase
openDatabase lets you retrieve your user's data. You also need to have a database open before storing or modifying user data. This API will return a promise that gets resolved once the database becomes available for use.
databaseName [string | Len: 1-100] - The database name to use.
changeHandler [function] - A callback that gets invoked when the database gets modified.
items [Array] - The full collection of items in the database, in insertion order.
- itemId [string] - The item's unique identifier.
- item [object] - The stored item.
- fileId [string | optional] - The attached file's unique identifier (if a file has been attached to this item via uploadFile). This can be passed to getFile to retrieve the file.
- fileName [string | optional] - The attached file's name.
- fileSize [number | optional] - The attached file's size in bytes.
createdBy [object] - The item creator's attribution data.
- timestamp [date] - The date the item was created.
- username [string | optional] - The item creator's username. Not present if the user has been deleted.
- userDeleted [boolean | optional] - Whether or not the user has been deleted.
updatedBy [object | optional] - Attribution data for the latest update.
- timestamp [date] - The date the item was most recently updated.
- username [string | optional] - The item updater's username. Not present if the user has been deleted.
- userDeleted [boolean | optional] - Whether or not the user has been deleted.
fileUploadedBy [object | optional] - Attribution data for the attached file.
- timestamp [date] - The date the file was uploaded.
- username [string | optional] - The file uploader's username. Not present if the user has been deleted.
- userDeleted [boolean | optional] - Whether or not the user has been deleted.
writeAccess [object | optional] - Access controls set on the item.
- onlyCreator [boolean | optional] - If true, only the item creator or database owner can modify the item.
- users [Array | optional] - If set, these are the users allowed to modify the item.
Advanced Parameters
shareToken [string | optional] - This token can only be used to open a database another user shared via shareDatabase.
databaseId [string | optional] - The database's unique identifier. This can only be used to open a database the user received access to directly from another user via shareDatabase.
If the user provides a new databaseName for the first time, this will create a new database and the user will be the owner.
To interact with a database the user received access to from another user via shareDatabase, you must provide either the databaseId or a shareToken. Providing a databaseName will simply open a new database and the user will be the owner.
You can retrieve the databaseId of databases the user received access to from other users via getDatabases.
Attribution data provided by the createdBy, updatedBy, and fileUploadedBy fields is only available in newly created databases.
- ParamsMustBeObject
- DatabaseAlreadyOpening
- DatabaseNameMissing
- DatabaseNameMustBeString
- DatabaseNameCannotBeBlank
- DatabaseNameTooLong
- DatabaseNameRestricted
- DatabaseIdMustBeString
- DatabaseIdCannotBeBlank
- DatabaseIdInvalidLength
- DatabaseIdNotAllowed
- DatabaseIdNotAllowedForOwnDatabase
- ShareTokenInvalid
- ShareTokenNotFound
- ShareTokenNotAllowedForOwnDatabase
- DatabaseNotFound
- ChangeHandlerMissing
- ChangeHandlerMustBeFunction
- UserNotSignedIn
- UserNotFound
- SubscriptionPlanNotSet
- SubscriptionNotFound
- SubscribedToIncorrectPlan
- SubscriptionInactive
- TrialExpired
- TooManyRequests
- ServiceUnavailable