The Get App API lets you retrieve all the metadata associated with any of your apps by providing the app ID. The app ID can be obtained from the Admin panel.
curl '$APP_ID' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
APP_ID - The app ID to retrieve.
ACCESS_TOKEN - Your access token.
- appName [string] - The app's name.
- appId [string] - The app's unique identifier.
- encryptionMode [string] - The app's encryption mode. Can either be 'end-to-end' or 'server-side'. See the FAQ for more on the encryption modes.
- creationDate [string] - The timestamp when the app was created.
- deleted [string] - The timestamp when the app was deleted, if the app has been deleted.
- paymentsMode [string] - The app's payments mode set in your Admin panel. Can be 'disabled', 'test', or 'prod'.
- testSubscriptionPlanId [string] - The app's test subscription plan set in your Admin panel.
- testTrialPeriodDays [number] - The number of trial days set on the app's test subscription plan in your Stripe Dashboard.
- prodSubscriptionPlanId [string] - The app's prod subscription plan set in your Admin panel.
- prodTrialPeriodDays [number] - The number of trial days set on the app's prod subscription plan in your Stripe Dashboard.